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Ten of pentacles

हिंदी के लिए कृपया यहाँ क्लिक करें
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The Upright Readings

wealth, property, stability, financial security, family, long-term success, contribution.

According to this card, you will receive money, property, stability. And if it is already there it will increase further. Financial security is coming slowly.

Shiv Shankarji, is testing you like King Shreyal and Rani Changuna. As a guest, Shiv stopped suddenly while eating. and asked the child's flesh. He put the condition of not to cry in front of the Guest. Then parents cut the child into pieces. Shiv was pleased after the extreme level exam. The child was into life, the kingdom was also returned to Raja Shreyal and Rani Changuna.

Your family is the most valuable thing for you. You always have a habit to plan before taking action. As a result, you get long-term success. You contribute a lot. With your mind, you get dedicated to yourself in the work, to get the best results.

The Reverse Readings

dull, slothfulness, misfortune, The dark side of wealth, financial failure or loss

Your temperament is not lazy, but if the atmosphere is sluggish, then you feel lazy. You have never encountered any misfortune. You need to be careful. You never have seen the black side of black money, but take steps carefully. Otherwise, you may have financial losses. .

Ten of The pentacles

European Tarot card study points:

Under the arch, two women are talking to each other. One child is with his mother. A grey beard old man is selling fruits on the streets, but he is not interested in selling. Two dogs are expecting some food from the old man. All the ten pentacles are spread symmetrically.

Ancient Indian Tarot card study points:

A perfect Indian family mealtime! Indians sit on the ground to take food. They take food on banana leaves. Banana leaves have two parts.

It is believed that Lord Rama once asked Hanuman to share food with him. Hanuman was Lord's follower so he was feeling awkward. Then Lord Rama draw a line in between and thus banana (and every) leaf got two parts.

Anyways this is a typical Indian family giving a meal to the guest.

One man is young, another is an age-old man with a beard. A house maker in her typical Indian costume serving food to them. In India, women used to take food after serving it to all. It is taken as impaired to show total cooked food or kitchen utensils to guests. In western culture, they can put everything on the table...

This is a small king Shreyal, his wife Changuna, their son Bal Chiliya and the man is Lord Shiva in disguise.

King Shreyal and Queen Changuna were Shiva's devotees. So Shiva decided to test them.

Shreyal and Changuna were blessed by Shiva as parents in the latter half of their life. As a guest, Shiva, suddenly stopped while taking food. He asked for the child's meat, with a condition not to cry. They cut the child into pieces. The head was lying aside. The guest asked to grind the head also.

When they restart taking food, the guest tells them, 'there is a problem; I do not take food in the childless family. Where is your child..? Call him.'

(Detail story.)

This folk story of Bal Chiliya is from Maharashtra and some parts of Karnataka. There are many folk songs in this story. There are many Regional Films based on this story. This is a very interesting story written in the 'Prakrut' language. This is an important part of Maharashtra and Karnataka folk culture.

Once upon a time, there was a King called Shreyal. His kingdom was spread in Maharashtra and Karnataka. His queen Rani Changuna was a kind-hearted lady. King and queen both worked for the public interest. They were childless even after 12 years of marriage.

Once a sage advised them to worship Lord Shiva, by keeping fast. (not to eat anything or not to drink water during daytime.) As a result, they have blessed a son.

The son's name was Bal Chiliya. Chiliya Bal was cute and dynamic like Bal Krishna. The King and queen both were loving the child beyond anything on this earth. Their life was full of happiness and joy. Then one day suddenly a stranger knocked on the door.

It was afternoon. After the royal lunch, both were resting with their son. Still, both welcome the stranger.

The visitant (guest) said, 'I am walking for the last two days I am very hungry, can you please give me some food? I wish that the queen should prepare the food by herself, without the help of any servant. She should not cry while preparing the food. If you agree, then only I will eat something or I will leave.'

The queen finds it wearied and strange. According to sacred scripts, to give food to a stranger is a religious act, so she started to cook food.

After a while, the visitant said that he is willing to have human flesh as a lump of meat in the meal. Raja Shreyal immediately took his sword to cut his thigh. Then the visitant stopped him. And added further I need your child's flesh.

Both were stunned, but they promised, not to cry while cooking the food. Both were in deep gloom thought. They were trapped in the dilemma for the life of a child and the religious activity.

By looking at the parents, the four-year-old Chiliya asked the reason for the stress. Mother narrated the entire demand of the visitor by keeping stones on the heart.

Baby child smiled and lifted the sword in the corner and hand it over to father with the words, 'Father, please satisfy the guest.' The meat of Bal Chiliya was getting ready. The Guest asked, 'What is that in the corner?' Rani Changuna informed that she has kept her child's head in the corner. The Guest asked to grind the head and make chutney.

Without tears, Rani Changuna took the head and crushed it to the chutney.

Ultimately, the food was ready. The Guest sit for the meal but he exclaimed,' I would like to tell you that I cannot eat the food in a childless house. I want that house where children are playing in the courtyard. You call your child. '

Both husband and wife were upset and astonished. Still, queen Changuna called her beloved child. Surprisingly Bal Chiliya ran through the door hugged his mother. Now the food turned into sweet delicacies and fruits.

Raja Shreyal and Rani Changuna hang up and are surprised to see Lord Shiva in front of them.

In this way, Lord Shiva tests his followers.